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- take a breath -

Information for young people around emotional health and wellbeing.

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- Topic Toolkits -

Our Topic Toolkits provide information on a variety of subjects, guide you to the most helpful websites and let you know who's best to contact if you want to talk to someone.

Topic Toolkits
"Mental health is just as important as physical health!"
"Instead of dwelling on past mistakes - focus on lessons learned."

- Our Services -

Looking for information relevant to some of our specific services? Check out our services below:

Our Services

- About us - 

Polaris Children's Services work with children, young people, parents, carers and their families to support them in building brighter futures. We deliver support and interventions for people from all walks of life and in many different situations.


Our services are requested and paid for by people like Local Authorities, Charities and Government Bodies. These organisations commission us to work on their behalf in order to achieve positive outcomes for people just like you.


There are lots of ways to get in touch with us - we're happy to talk via phone, e-mail or live chat. Whatever's best for you.

- training -

We can give you access to our dedicated learning system offering you a range of online training courses. To find out more, talk to your support worker or contact us!

- online meetings -

We can arrange to meet you digitally using Skype with a pre-arranged appointment. If this sounds like something you'd like to try please talk to your support worker.

Your mental health is a priority.

Your happiness is an essential.

Your self-care is a necessity.

- support spotlight -

Here's a few links to some websites you might find useful. If you're looking for something more specific, head to our Topic Toolkits.


Young Minds aim to make sure all young people get the best possible mental health support and have the resilience to overcome life's challenges.

The Mix.jpg

The Mix is a support service specifically for young people.  They can support you with lots of issues including your emotional health and wellbeing.


Childline is there to help anyone under 19 in the UK with any issue they’re going through. Their trained counsellors are there to support you.

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